Faith Heals

I have had  alot on my plate these past couple months both personally & professionally.  Needless to say, I was beginning to feel overwhelmed & very stressed!

I had written a post over a week ago, but never published it for several reasons.  Have you ever been through a circumstance where you thought that you were over it (for lack of better words)?  Well as I began writing about what I was going through & how God uses our circumstances for our own/His good (Rom. 8:28), etc., I found my post taking a turn.

It began to become more of a vent session. The reality: I was still angry about the situation. Although I thought I had given the situation up to God- I still wanted to understand the why’s and was getting more and more frustrated.  Well after writing this whole long post, I went back to re-read and thought to myself, “This can NOT get posted!” My blogging IS supposed to be for self-healing, but on the same note the idea behind it is to also help others going through similar or the same situations. I knew what I had written was definitely not the latter.

After praying about it a bit, I felt like I still needed to call someone.  (I love how God always gives you those special people in our lives that come to your thoughts during these times and He so graciously speaks through them. His awesomeness never ceases to amaze me!) So, I called one of my bestfriends to talk it out.  In a situation where I felt betrayed she had just the right words to help & along with that a scripture verse that struck a chord. 

“Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”
~Psalm 34:5

When we are doing His will & allowing Him to guide us through each situation (especially when dealing with people)- it makes a world of difference. Not necessarily in the outcome, but in how we react to it.  What I learned:

God knows the difference between true humility and the pretense of it.

When I realized that, I recognized that I had no need to be angry or frustrated.  He is the one in control of our circumstance.  What matters? MY heart. He knows as do I, and that verse gave me peace. Although the outcome was not what I expected nor wanted- I knew I remained in His will and will continue to strive to do so.  That’s all we can do, and everything else must fall to the way side…even my why’s!

It’s ok to be angry, and  it’s ok to be hurt. But what’s important is not letting those emotions take control, and allowing forgiveness to then follow.  If we do not, resentment and bitterness are very quick to take its’ place.

We try so hard to be strong, for ourselves, or others, and as a result we do not allow ourselves the chance to release and to grieve these situations. It is His power that is made perfect in our weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9)! 

My writing allowed me to acknowledge these feelings, get a deeper understanding of the situation, and give it back up to God so that He then could work through it while I could heal and find serenity. 

How awesome it is to have an everlasting rock! (Isaiah 26:3-4) ;-D

My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. (Exodus 33:14)